Today was my first day in Class VII. It was a long and interesting day. As soon as I entered the class my mates were standing around outside the class waiting for the new teacher. First ?day in school is always interesting, waiting for the new teacher is always fun. After few minutes came a?surprise, a boy?carrying?a bag full of?cartridge?sheets. My class crawled on him to ask sent it because we all knew our class teacher sent it. The boy gently said, Ms. Neetu Gulati. We were left in silence for few seconds. Ms Neetu Gulati, she is the most polite teacher in the school.
Me and my friends were very happy. The next moment she came?saying?repeatedly ?Good Morning??to everyone. We didn’t have time to even talk to her as we had to go to the morning assembly. As soon as we returned, the class began to talk about her. After some time, she came back. She started to introduce herself and started talking ?about some basic rules of the school. Today she also gave us different tasks, the class board which has to be filled by the class teacher was empty today. This time all the students had to fill it. Although I am not ?good at drawing I was given some work. We finished ?our work by the break and after which we were allowed to play for some time. Later on we were given activities of different tasks of different subjects.
All over it was a brilliant day for me but I should also know that it was the first day and every day unfolds many challenges.
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